Garlic - The Wonder Food
Magic Herb Garlic
Garlic also contains Calcium, Selenium, Zinc, and Potassium. It helps keep blood clots from forming in the blood vessels, and from having plaque building up in coronary arteries.
Garlic has long been considered a herbal 'Wonder Drug', with a reputation in folklore for preventing everything from the common cold and flu to the plague. Modern Science has shown that garlic is a powerful antibiotic in broad-spectrum rather than targeted.
How to Take Garlic
Garlic appears to have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. The list is long when it comes to its uses as a remedy. This list includes wounds, ulcers, skin infections, flu, athlete's foot, some viruses, strep, worms, respiratory ailments, high blood pressure, blood thinning, cancer of the stomach, colic, colds, kidney problems, bladder problems, and earaches to name a few. It is also believed to cure worms in both People and Animals.
For most internal Problems, Eating garlic raw is probably the most potent way to take it. However, due to the Obvious lingering odors associated with this, a tincture can be made by soaking 1/4 pound of peeled and separated garlic cloves in 1/2 quart of brandy. Seal tightly and shake every day. Starin and bottle after 2 weeks of this, and take in drops, 25-30 a day, if desired this way.
Mash 2-3 small cloves of garlic and eat it raw or boiled, before going to sleep. You could have it with a glass of milk or with water. Avoid taking garlic in the day time as the smell may linger.
For cough, flu, and respiratory ailments, make a cough syrup out of garlic. Slice 1 Pound of fresh garlic and pour one quart of boiling water over it. Let sit for 12 hours, then add sugar until you reach the consistency of a syrup. Add honey for better taste, if desired.
For sore throat, make a garlic tea by steeping several cloves of garlic in half a cup of water overnight. Hold your nose and drink it.
Externally, garlic is a known antibacterial and anti-infection agent. An interesting use for aches is to slice a garlic clove, heat briefly in a small amount of olive oil, and let cool. Then use a drop of two in the affected ear (strain the mixture beforehand, of course).
Make an Ointment out of garlic (use cloves instead of leaves, stems, or flowers as described in ointments) for wounds, cuts, athlete's foot, or any other external skin irritation, fungus, or infection. Also, try a few drops of oil on toothaches for pain relief.
Health Benefits of Garlic:
Garlic's effects on preventive and remedial values are Multi-Facete.
Garlic's role in career seems to be more to prevent it than to cure it, at least based on the ways we now use it. Garlic eaters just get less cancer then non-garlic eaters, according to demographic surveys. Using garlic in various ways inhibits cancer cells from reproducing, that is, it slows down the process and may actually reverse it in the early stages.
Consuming Garlic generally has the following physical effects:
- Lowers Blood Pressure
- Lowers LDL cholesterol
- Regulates blood sugar
- Prevents blood clots, reducing the possibility of strokes and thromboses
- Prevents Cancer of the digestive system
- Helps to remove heavy metals such as lead and mercury from the body
- Raw garlic is a Potent natural antibiotic
- Anti-fungal and Anti-viral properties
- Anti-Oxidant properties and is a source of selenium
- Fights off infection
- Defends from Asthma
- Found Successful in Acne or skin ailments
- Alleviates Impotency
When people have medical emergencies and there is no doctor around, a bulb of garlic can be a Lifesaver-Literally, if you know how to use it. Crushed raw garlic is a very powerful antibiotic, but it must be applied to the site of the infection to be effective. It will burn like fire for a minute or two but it must be applied in 1 form or another to the site of the infection.
Raw garlic is very strong, so eating too much could produce problems, for example, irritation or even damage to the digestive tract.
There are a few people who are allergic to garlic. Symptoms of garlic allergy include skin rash, temperature, and headaches. Also, garlic could potentially disrupt anticoagulants, so it's best-avoided surgery. As with any medicine, always check with your doctor first and tell you are using it.
Also if someone asks if there are Positive effects on Covid-19 if garlic is Consumed the answer is not Proven as of now. But for its varied Benefits, it will create positive effects if consumed.
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